Dinner Table Centerpiece Design
Your wedding is made up of dozens of different elements that turn it into your own special event. Dinner table centerpiece design is one of the measures used to turn a standard dinner table into an inseparable part of your special event. Bear in mind that the dinner table is where your guests – especially those who will not join you on the dance floor – would spend most of their time during the event.
Every dinner table can be upgraded to a prestigious, custom-designed, possibly even surprising setup, thereby reflecting your personal attention to the people who remain seated and spend most of their time around the table.
Having led our guests to their seats using our unique seating cards, we find another opportunity to excite them using a personal address – a branded message from the bride and groom in the shape of a custom-designed wine glass ornament. Branded
wine glass ornaments provide an excellent way to convey our gratitude to our guests for participating in our wedding celebration or to bid our guests “bon apetit”.
The branding of the wine glasses can make an additional contribution to the success of your wedding, when it becomes the topic of conversation around the table and breaks the barriers between guests who are not acquainted but still share the same table. To decorate the wine glasses, you can choose from a selection of existing designs, or create a personal design that would surprise and excite your guests.
Thinking of the Smallest Details
A successful wedding production is measured by the attention paid to the smallest details, among other things: how the waiters served the various courses, whether the beverages were readily available and sufficiently diversified, or how long the guests had to wait for the wedding ceremony and under what conditions. All of the details must be considered, and in this context we must plan in advance what the dinner tables would look like, how the guests would arrive at their tables and what kind of bag would be used to present the confectionery gifts to the guests. When the small details match the over-all design of the mood and atmosphere, the guests sense the difference, and the entire wedding event is elevated to impressive heights. These details are just as important as a DJ who knows how to adapt his complete music program to the atmosphere at the wedding, to get the dancers in the right mood.
Your attention to the smallest details in the context of the over-all wedding design effort and your addressing of the guests personally may be reflected through such additional branding products as custom-designed and branded serviette rings, dragée confectionery boxes carrying the personal signature of the bride and groom or the date of the wedding, custom-designed dinner menus as part of the dinner table centerpiece and custom-designed table numbers that match the over-all design theme of the event.